"I write to discover what I know." — Flannery O'Connor

Core Economics (Labor/Macro)

Makridis, Christos A., and Tao Wang. (2024). Learning from Friends in a Pandemic: Social Networks and the Macroeconomic Response of Consumption. European Economic Review, forthcoming.
Choudhury, Raj, Tarun Khanna, Christos A. Makridis, and Kyle Schirmann. (2024). Is Hybrid Work the Best of Both Worlds? Evidence from a Field Experiment. Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.

Makridis, Christos A., Michael Froewis, Kiran Sridhar, and Rainer Boehme. (2023). The Rise of Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges Evaluating the Role of Airdrops and Governance Tokens. Journal of Corporate Finance, 79.

Liu, Tim, Christos A. Makridis, Paige Ouimet, and Elena Simintzi. (2023). The Distribution of Non-Wage Benefits: Maternity Benefits and Gender Diversity. Review of Financial Studies, 36(1): 194–234.

Makridis, Christos A., and Jason Schloetzer. (2023). Extreme Local Temperatures Lower Expressed Sentiment About U.S. Economic Conditions with Implications for the Stock Returns of Local Firms. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 37.

Graham, James, and Christos A. Makridis. (2023). House Prices and Consumption: A New Instrumental Variables Approach. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 15(1): 411-443.

Makridis, Christos A. (2022). When Houses of Worship Go Empty: The Effects of State Restrictions on Well-being Among Religious Adherents. European Economic Review, 149.

Makridis, Christos A. (2022). The Effect of Economic Sentiment on Consumption Evidence from Social Networks. European Economic Review, 148: 104232.

Makridis, Christos A., and Maury Gittleman. (2022). On the Cyclicality of Real Wages and Employment: New Evidence and Stylized Facts from Performance Pay and Fixed Wage Jobs. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 38:(3): 889-920.

Granja, Joao, Christos A. Makridis. Constantine Yannelis, and Eric Zwick. (2022). Did the Paycheck Protection Program Hit the Target? Journal of Financial Economics, 145(3): 725-761.

Makridis, Christos A., and Michael Ohlrogge. (2022). Foreclosure Spillovers and Individual Well-being: Evidence from the Great Recession. Real Estate Economics, 50(1): 122-146.

Gallipoli, Giovanni, and Christos A. Makridis. (2022). Sectoral Digital Intensity and GDP Growth After a Large Employment Shock: A Simple Extrapolation Exercise. Canadian Journal of Economics, 55(S1): 446-479.

Binder, Carola, and Christos A. Makridis. (2022). Stuck in the Seventies: Gas Prices and Macroeconomic Expectations, Review of Economics and Statistics, 104(2): 293-305.

Makridis, Christos A. (2021). Do Data Breaches Damage Reputation? Evidence from 43 Companies Between 2002 and 2018. Journal of Cybersecurity, 7(1).

Makridis, Christos A. (2021). (Why) Is There a Public/Private Pay Gap? Journal of Government and Economics, 1.

Kizilcec, Rene, Christos A. Makridis, and Katharine Sadowski. (2021). Pandemic Response Policies’ Democratizing Effects on Online Learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 118(11).

Ali, Umair, Chris Herbst, and Christos A. Makridis. (2021). The Impact of Covid-19 on the U.S. Child Care Market: Evidence from Stay-at-Home Orders. Economics of Education Review, 82.

Makridis, Christos A., and Michael Ohlrogge. (2021). Moving to Opportunity? The Geography of the Foreclosure Crisis and the Importance of Location. Journal of Economic Geography, 22(1): 159–180.

Makridis, Christos A. (2021). Is Recycling Effective? Evidence from California between 2004 and 2017. Spring Issue, Land Economics.

Bronshtein, Gila and Christos A. Makridis. 2020. The Declining Insurance Benefit in the Municipal Bond Market. National Tax Journal, 73(1): 115-156.

Makridis, Christos A. 2020. Do Right-to-Work Laws Work? Evidence from Individual Well-being and Economic Sentiment, 2019, Journal of Law and Economics, 62(2): 713-745.

Choudhury, Prithwiraj, and Khanna, Tarun, and Makridis, Christos. 2020. Do Managers Matter? A Natural Experiment from 42 R&D Labs in India. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 36(1): 47-83.

Gallipoli, Giovanni and Christos A. Makridis. (2018). Structural Transformation and the Rise of Information Technology. Journal of Monetary Economics, 97: 91-110.

Makridis, Christos A. and Ohlrogge, Michael. (2017). Validating RefUSA micro-data with the Longitudinal Employer- Household Dynamics Data. Economics Letters, 152:83-87.

Artificial Intelligence and Veterans

Makridis, Christos A., Michael Darden, and Gil Alterovitz. (2024). Access and Equity Among Veterans During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Armed Forces & Society, Online First.
Makridis, Christos A., Anthony Boese, Rafael Fricks, Don Workman, Molly Klote, Joshua Mueller, Isabel Hildebrandt, Michael Kim, and Gil Alterovitz. (2023). Informing the Ethical Review of Human Subjects Research Utilizing Artificial Intelligence. Frontiers in Computer Science, 14(5).

Makridis, Christos A., J. D. Kelly, and Gil Alterovitz. (2022). The Effects of Medical Centers on Socio-economic Outcomes: Evidence from the Paycheck Protection Program. PLOS One, 17(12).

Atkins, David, Christos A. Makridis, Rachel Ramoni, Gil Alterovitz, and Carolyn Clancy. (2022). Ethical Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications for Outcome Research. Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science, 5: 393-413.

Makridis, Christos A., Tim Strebel, Rafael Fricks, and Gil Alterovitz. (2021). Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Early Warning Scores for Clinical Decision-making: Evidence from the Department of Veterans Affairs. AAAI 2021 Fall Symposium Series.

Makridis, Christos A., and Barry Hirsch. (2021). The Labor Market Earnings of Veterans: Is Military Experience More or Less Valuable than Civilian Experience? Early View, Journal of Labor Research.

Makridis, Christos A., Seth W. Hurley, Molly Klote, and Gil Alterovitz. (2021). Ethical Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Evidence from Health Research on Veterans. Journal of Medical and Internet Research: Medical Informatics, 9(6).

Makridis, Christos A., David Zhao, Adi Bejan, and Gil Alterovitz. (2021). Leveraging Machine Learning to Characterize the Role of Socio-economic Determinants on Physical Health and Well-being Among Veterans. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 133.

Makridis, Christos A., Tim Strebel, Vincent Marconi, and Gil Alterovitz. (2021). Designing Covid-19 Mortality Predictions to Advance Clinical Outcomes: Evidence from the Department of Veterans Affairs. BMJ Health & Care Informatics, 28(1): 1-9.

Makridis, Christos A., Anish Mudibe and Gil Alterovitz. (2020). How Much Does the (Social) Environment Matter? Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict COVID-19 Outcomes with Socio-demographic Data. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing.

General Social Science

Kizilcec, Rene, Elaine Huber, Elena Papanastasiou, Andrew Cram, Christos A. Makridis, Adele Smolansky, Sandris Zeivots, Corina Raduescu. (2024). Perceived Impact of Generative AI on Assessments: Comparing Educator and Student Perspectives in Australia, Cyprus, and the United States. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence.

Gavresi, Despina, Christos A. Makridis, and Anastasia Litina. (2024). Split Personalities? Behavioral Effects of Temperature on Financial Decision-making. Kyklos: 1-26.

Makridis, Christos A. (2024). Discrimination in the Spotlight: The Effects of Political and Religious Bias on Consumer Behavior and Labor Markets. Journal of Economics, Management and Religion, forthcoming.

Makridis, Christos A., Andrew Borkowski, and Gil Alterovitz. (2024). Perspectives on Advancing Outcomes and Impact through a Network of AI Institutes, with Gil Alterovitz and Andrew Borkowski. Science and Public Policy, 51(3): 557–562.

Ali, Umair, Chris Herbst, and Christos A. Makridis. (2024). Minimum Quality Regulations and the Demand for Child Care Labor. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 43(3): 660-695.

Makridis, Christos A., Lennart Maschmeyer and Max Smeets. (2024). If it Bleeps it Leads? - Media Coverage on Cyber Conflict and Misperception. Journal of Peace Research, 61(1): 72-86.

Rothwell, Jonathan, Christos A. Makridis, Christine Ramirez, and Sonal Desai. (2023). The Effects of Information on Policy and Behavioral Beliefs During a Pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.

Makridis, Christos A., and Gordon Liao. (2023). Democratizing Effects of Digital Ledger Technologies: Implications for Economic Mobility. Frontiers in Blockchain Economics, 6.

Makridis, Christos A., and Erin McGuire. (2023). The Quality of Innovation 'Booms' During 'Busts'. Research Policy, 52(1).

Paik, Yongwook, and Christos A. Makridis. (2023). The Social Value of a Ridesharing Platform: A Hedonic Pricing Approach. Empirical Economics, 64:2125–2150.

Makridis, Christos A., and Saurabh Mishra. (2022). Artificial Intelligence as a Service, Economic Growth, and Well-Being. Journal of Services Research, 25(4).

DeAngelis, Corey, and Christos A. Makridis. (2022). Are School Reopening Decisions Related to Funding? Evidence from Over 12,000 Districts During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Latest articles, Journal of School Choice.

Makridis, Christos A. (2022). Religious, Civil, and Economic Freedoms: What's the Chicken and What's the Egg. Journal of Economics, Management and Religion, 2(2).

Makridis, Christos A., and Joo Han. (2021). Future of Work and Employee Empowerment: Evidence from a Decade of Technological Change. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173.

Litina, Anastasia, Christos A. Makridis, and George Tsiachtsiras. (2021). Do Product Market Reforms Raise Innovation? Evidence from Micro-data Across 12 Countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 169.

Jace, Clara, and Christos A. Makridis. (2021). Does Marriage Protect Mental Health? Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic. Social Science Quarterly, 102(6): 2499-2515.

DeAngelis, Corey, and Christos A. Makridis. (2021). Are School Reopening Decisions Related to Union Influence? Social Science Quarterly, 102(5): 2266-2284.

Makridis, Christos A., and Cary Wu. (2021). How Social Capital Helps Communities Weather the COVID-19 Pandemic. PLoS One, 16(1).

Makridis, Christos and Johnson, Byron and Koenig, Harold G. (2021). Does Religious Affiliation Protect People's Well-being? Evidence from the Great Recession After Correcting for Selection Effects. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 60(2): 252-273.

Makridis, Christos A. (2020). Human Flourishing and Religious Liberty: Evidence from Over 150 Countries. PLoS ONE, 15(10).

Arthur Huang, Christos A. Makridis, Mark Baker, Marcos Medeiros, and Zhishan Guo. (2020). Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 Intervention Policies on the Hospitality Labor Market. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 91.

Makridis, Christos A., and Max Smeets. (2019). The Cross-section of Cyber Security Readiness: Evidence from 35 Countries. Journal of Cyber Policy, 4(1): 72-89.

Makridis, Christos A., and Benjamin Dean. (2018). Measuring the Economic Effects of Data Breaches on Firm Outcomes: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 43: 59-83.

Craxton, Melanie and Christos A. Makridis, James Merrick, and John Taggart. (2017). On the Climate Policy Implications of Substitutability and Flexibility in the Economy: An In-depth Integrated Assessment Model Diagnostic. Technology Forecasting and Social Change, 125: 289-298.

Law Reviews

Makridis, Christos A., Tim Bates, Neil Barnes, and JiNan Glasgow-George. (2024). The Future of Intellectual Property: The Complementary Role of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. Journal of the Patent & Trademark Office Society, forthcoming.

Makridis, Christos A., and Joel Thayer. (2024). Data as Currency: A Reevaluation of the Consumer Welfare Standard for Digital Markets. Stanford Technology Law Review.

Shackelford, Scott, Anne Boustead, and Christos A. Makridis. (2022). Defining “Reasonable Cybersecurity: Evidence from the States. Yale Journal of Law and Technology.

Makridis, Christos A., and Patrick McLaughlin. (2022). Never Letting a Crisis Go to Waste and the Ratcheting Effect of Regulation: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic. NYU Journal of Law and Liberty, 15(3): 606-627.

Desai, Deven, and Christos A. Makridis. (2022). Identifying Critical Infrastructure in a World with Network Cybersecurity Risk. Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science, and Technology. (winner of the Loevinger Prize)

Economics of the Arts

Makridis, Christos A. (2024). Funding the Artistic Future: Diversifying Support for Sustainable Artistic Impact. Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, forthcoming.

Makridis, Christos A. and Jonathan Kuuskoski. (2024). Narrowing the Gap : Implications of Arts Entrepreneurship Curricula on Artist Labor Market Outcomes. Artivate, 12(1).
Makridis, Christos A. (2023). The Labor Market Returns of Being An Artist: Evidence from the United States, 2006-2021. Journal of Cultural Economics.